Saturday, May 5, 2012

My blender... the largest investment we've made in healthful living.

First of all, I just want to point out that since I have consistently maintained an anti-inflammatory diet (by consuming smoothies everyday - see previous entry), I no longer have breakouts on my skin, and I no longer have eczema (off that prescription entirely). If you suffer from allergies, acne, asthma, arthritis, frequent illness, headaches... or pretty much any other ailment, I stronly urge you to research chronic inflammation, and start consuming foods that fight it. I explain all of this more thoroughly in my previous blog entry.

Consuming raw fruits and veggies in a smoothie everyday is a big part of my family's diet. In the last few weeks I have had several calls, texts, and emails asking me about my blender, how much it costs, where you can get one. I will admit, it was pricey. That's because it's a commercial grade piece of machinery. But, we don't have cable, high speed internet, we share 1 car, we rarely eat out, and we live on a really minimalist budget. I cut Josh and William's hair myself, and Josh literally brings his own sandwhich to work for lunch everyday. This blender was our one "indulgence" because we've decided to take this healthy living stuff seriously. Part of this lifestyle means consuming as much raw fruits and veggies as possible.

Vitamix or Blendtec?

The blender I own is called the Blendtec. Lots of you have been asking me if I have a Vitamix. The two are eachother's greatest competition, and they are the top 2 most powerful blenders on the market today. They are both great blenders with great reviews. However, Blendtec is a bit more powerful. Vitamix has 1380 watts, and Blendtec has 1560 watts. The other appeal Blendtec had over the Vitamix to me is the fact that it is short enough to fit on top of my counter, without being too tall to fit under the cabinet. I appreciate the one touch pre-programmed buttons, rather than the manual switches on the Vitamix. In the end, I went with the Blendtec because you get a little more power for about the same price.

We'd been through 3 Walmart blenders since we got married. None of them could so much as chop ice, and they burnt out if we tried. Then I saw a live demo for the Blendtec. It's the same blender used in Starbucks, Jamba Juice, Panera, and Chilli's. In general, you have to purchase Blendtecs online. I was amazed by how it pulverized the pit of an avacado, which has a higher density than wood. If you visit, you will be amazed at what this thing can do.

We chewed it over for quite a while, did the research, and then finally decided we wanted needed this thing. We made even more cuts in our budget and vowed not to eat out for a month.

I've had my blender for almost 2 years now, and I still love it as much as day 1. I can throw an entire kiwi in there, fuzzy peel and all, and it comes out a smooth liquid with no "debris". My body gets the benefit of all the fiber without feeling like I'm drinking someone's beard. I also take our food waste we accumulate everyday, and turn it into compost for my garden. Banana peels, coffee grounds, egg shells, old lettuce, etc - I throw it in the blender and it obliterates it all.

I never buy powdered sugar. I put a cup of regular granulated sugar in there, push the pulse button, and vua-la, powdered sugar. Ice? Child's play. Seriously, put ice in there, it turns to snow without the blender so much as batting an eyelash.

Ok, so what are some alternatives if a Blendtec just isn't in the cards for you right now?

If you're able to buy a Blendtec, I think it's going to best the last blender you'll ever have to buy. But if the price tag isn't doable, there's some alternatives. If you can swing $100-$200, I've heard good things about the Ninja. While it's not commercial grade, if you don't think you'll be blending a hammer anytime soon, I think it will do the job. Also, smaller machines like the magic bullet are well-loved, although your drinks might not be as smooth. Whatever blender you purchase, just make sure the container is BPA-free.

If you're on the fence about incorporating green smoothies into your diet, I encourage you to watch "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" on Netflix! However, I wouldn't opt for a juicer like the guy in the movie. Juicers leave out all the "ruffage" (fiber), and that is an extremely important part of your diet!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!
